By: Vice President of Political Operations, Anthony Reedy

As a Virginia REALTOR®, you see the impact of policy maker decisions daily. Whether it’s local sign ordinances, business and income taxes, business model regulation, or more health insurance options, having REALTORS® friendly officials in office is critical to our success.

On November 5th, Virginians will head to the polls to elect candidates for state Senate, House of Delegates, and numerous local government offices. All regular voting locations will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. If you’re standing in line by 7:00 p.m., you’re allowed to vote.

You can find your polling location and the candidates on your ballot by entering your voter registration address on the Virginia Public Access Project website..

Remember to bring a valid Photo ID when you go to vote in-person. You can find all the official voter information on the Virginia Department of Elections website.

One of the simplest, but most important, actions you can take for your business and your clients is to VOTE. By electing candidates who understand the real estate industry, homeownership, and property rights, you’ll help keep a strong real estate environment in Virginia.

Virginia is one of a few states that holds elections in odd years, so it’s important for Virginia REALTORS® to get out and exercise your right to vote. In 2015, the last similar election year, only 30 percent of eligible voters participated.  We can do better.

Thank you for your participation in our electoral process and for showing the strength of the REALTOR® vote.